Inspired by Phil Oh

Not edited

When researching Phil Oh I have came across photographs with high ISO that he has taken. I really liked them because of the movement that they were capturing. Since street art is the most honest kind of photography and it is mostly captured unaware, I think it translates the meaning of it very well. I love the fact that something honest that takes place in real world and time is shown while moving. It makes it more realistic to me. It feels like not just the moment was captured but the whole scene. It feels like it tells a much longer and interesting story. It is more uncomfortable to look at, but in the same time it catches the attention. I am carious of its details and what happen before, during and after the photo was taken.

The blurred imaged represents the time that we humans are aware of just by believing in its existence. The captured movement makes it more real and less invisible.
The action in the shot makes it exciting to look at. It brings curiosity and interest.

I took some photos in that style as well. I really like them, especially not edited as you can see above. They seem even more real and honest.

Just like Phil Oh I had my subjects unaware of me taking the photos. I think it made them even more interesting. They captured the movement that possibly would not be as natural if I asked them to move specially for the photo.

I have edited one of the posed and still images with low ISO and I multiplied the image with its original version, but one of the photos was smaller than the other. It created an interesting movement and multiplicity of some details. I did it to make it look like the ISO was higher than it really was when taking the photograph.

I have not done too much of multiplicity because I was worried that the effect will look too unnatural, therefore miss the whole point of it.


1. I made the original image brighter. I duplicated it and on its copy, I have played with the channel mixer to make it more red ish and I have also posterized the image. I enlarged the original image and placed it on the top of the copy. I added layer mask and used interesting by texture brush and revealed some of the copy on top of the original photograph. It allowed me to edit something, that I wanted to keep honest, and show the edited side of it as well. 

I really liked the effect it gave. I decided to to the same thing with another image, but changing the colors and the brush type. 

At first I multiplied image, because I was carious how it would look like with more movement. I did not liked it. The image had too little detail and ended up looking too blurry. 

